7 Reasons for Low Water Pressure

low water pressure

Have you ever turned on a faucet and felt like the water was just trickling out? Low water pressure is a nuisance, especially when you’re trying to wash dishes, do laundry, bathe, or water landscaping. 

There are several reasons why water pressure can drop. Take a moment with Armstrong Plumbing, Air & Electric to explore seven common reasons why you might be experiencing low water pressure in your home.

1. Clogged Pipes

Over time, pipes can get clogged with mineral deposits, rust, or debris. This buildup can restrict the flow of water, causing low water pressure. Think of it like a traffic jam in your pipes. The water wants to flow freely, but the clogs are like cars blocking the way. Regular maintenance and pipe cleaning can help prevent this problem.

For quick drain cleaning from the professionals, schedule a drain service call with Armstrong today. 

2. Leaking Pipes

Leaks are another common cause of low water pressure. If there’s a crack or hole in your pipes, water will escape before it reaches your faucet. This means less water is available when you turn on the tap. Leaks can be hard to spot, especially if they are hidden behind walls or underground. If you suspect a leak, it’s a good idea to call a professionally trained Armstrong plumber to check it out.

3. Faulty Fixtures

Sometimes the problem isn’t with the pipes but with the fixtures themselves. Faucets, showerheads, and other fixtures can become faulty over time. They might have built-up sediment or wear and tear that affects the water flow. Cleaning or replacing these fixtures can often solve the problem.

4. Water Supply Issues

Your home gets its water from one of two typical sources:  a municipal supply or a well. Regardless of where the water comes from, if there are issues with the water supply, it can affect the water pressure in your home. 

If your water comes from the Lubbock municipal water supply, low pressure may be caused by maintenance work, a broken water main, or high demand during peak times. Checking with your local water company can help you determine if this is the cause. If your water is supplied by a well, the problem could be due to the buildup of mineral deposits, a faulty well-pump, or other malfunctioning equipment. 

To find out what your specific cause of low water pressure is, schedule a plumbing service call today with Armstrong Plumbing, Air & Electric.

5. Pressure Regulator Problems

A pressure regulator is a device that controls the pressure of water coming into your home. If this device is not working correctly, it can lead to low water pressure. Pressure regulators can wear out over time and may need to be adjusted or replaced. An Armstrong plumber can help you with this if you’re not sure how to do it yourself.

6. Corroded Plumbing

Older homes often have plumbing made from materials that can corrode over time. Corrosion can cause the pipes to narrow, which restricts water flow and leads to low water pressure. If your home has old plumbing, it might be time to consider an upgrade. Replacing old pipes with newer materials can improve water flow and prevent future issues.

7. Clogged Aerators

If you notice low water pressure at a specific plumbing fixture, the cause could be a clogged aerator. The aerator is a small attachment at the tip of the faucet spout. It’s designed to control flow and mix in air with the water to minimize splashing. Sometimes small pieces of debris accumulate in the aerator cutting the flow of water. You can easily unscrew the tip and clean the aerator. If water pressure still doesn’t improve, better call Armstrong

Call Armstrong for Help With Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be frustrating but understanding the reasons behind it can help you find a solution. Whether it’s clogged pipes, leaking pipes, faulty fixtures, water supply issues, pressure regulator problems, corroded plumbing, or a clogged aerator, there are ways to address each issue.
Don’t let low water pressure get you down. With a little knowledge and some proactive measures, you can tackle this common household issue head-on. If you’re not sure where to start, consider calling Armstrong Plumbing, Air & Electric to schedule a professional plumber to help diagnose and fix the problem.