We’ve seen it in the movies, and it happens in real life: The family member who takes long showers and the next person who hops in ends up with a cold shower. But those long, hot showers come with a cost in addition to cheating the next person.
Let’s Add it Up
There are many variables when it comes to the cost of a morning shower in your Lubbock, TX home. For the purposes of this article let’s base things on these national averages and assume you have an electric water heater:
- Shower length = 8.2 minutes
- Cost of electricity = 12 cents/kilowatt hour
- Cost of water = $1.50/one thousand gallons
That works out to 25 cents for each daily shower or $91 a year. Multiply that by let’s say four people in the home and you’re talking a dollar a day or $365 a year. If you happen to have one or more household members who love to take long showers, the number will be higher. So yes, over the course of a year taking a shower does add up to a significant household cost. Armstrong Plumbing, Air, and Electric has some recommendations that will save you some bucks over the course of the year.
How long is too long?
Armstrong isn’t going to try and answer this question for you. Many people consider a shower one of the luxuries of life and aren’t willing to compromise. However, if each person in the house cut their time in the shower by a minute or two each day it will add up to saving money.
Flow Rate
The cost of a hot shower also has a lot to do with the showerheads in your Lubbock, TX home. Federal mandates require new showerheads have flow rates of less than 2.5 gallons per minute, but some older showerheads use more than five gallons per minute. Armstrong’s plumbers can install showerheads with flow rates as low as 1.5 gallons per minute. So, let’s break down those annual costs we mentioned earlier based on these flow rate numbers:
- Standard flow rate of 2.1 gallons/minute = $195/year
- Flow rate of 5.5 gallons/minute = $480/year
- Flow rate of 1.5 gallons/minute = $130/year
It makes sense to upgrade if you haven’t already.
Check Water Heater Thermostat
Many homes have water that is hotter than needed. Check your owner’s manual to learn how to adjust the thermostat on the water heater. Experts say 120℉ is plenty hot enough for nearly every home. It’s estimated turning the water heater down 10 degrees will save three to five percent in energy costs.
Serving West Texas Since 1934
Whatever question you might have about water heaters, electrical maintenance, and ways to cut your monthly utility bills, Armstrong Plumbing, Air, and Electric has been here to help for nearly 90 years. Call us today to schedule an appointment and don’t forget to check in on social media.