New Furnace Mandates: Are You Prepared?

Attention, attention! If you are in the market for a new furnace, the following information may be of interest to you. On July 3, a new federal mandate was put in effect, aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of new furnaces. The Department of Energy now requires all manufacturers of new furnaces to equip the unit with an electronically commutated low-wattage motor (ECM). 

This new motor will replace the split capacitor induction blower motors that have long been used in the industry. The DOE issued the new mandate after raising its furnace efficiency rating standards and predict that the new ECM fan will greatly improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon pollution. 


Armstrong Plumbing, Air & Electric offers a complete line of Lennox HVAC equipment and is excited with the ECM-fan furnaces we are installing. But, I’m sure you are wondering how this may affect you if you are in need of a new furnace. The short answer is this: the initial cost of a new furnace is higher due to the more expensive ECM fan, but the increased efficiency should pay for the higher cost over time due to decreased energy bills. Plus, the carbon footprint of your system on the environment will certainly be reduced because the furnace will not have to run as long to achieve the desired heating results. Call the friendly HVAC professionals at Armstrong today to find out more. 


In the meantime, it is a good idea to schedule a furnace tune-up before the winter winds roll through Lubbock. The Armstrong Service Agreement Plan (ASAP) is a great way to make sure you keep on a regular HVAC maintenance schedule and includes two safety inspections each year (including filter change) and priority 24/7 service. With the Prime, Signature, Prestige and Royale tiers, you receive a precision furnace tune-up. A furnace tune-up is a great way to detect any issues before they cause breakdowns and also to keep your system running smoothly. Call Armstrong today and let’s get your furnace tune-up or seasonal maintenance scheduled.

Those in Lubbock and West Texas have been turning to Armstrong to solve their heating and cooling problems for more than 80 years. So remember: Something Wrong? Better Call Armstrong! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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