“My central air conditioner is so old it has never heard of Global Warming.” “When I bought my air conditioner, the installer told me this wild story about something called the world-wide web for computers.” Do those statements describe your situation?
If your AC unit is on the brink of extinction, Armstrong Plumbing, Air & Electric wants to hear from you. Enter your old dinosaur central air conditioner in our contest to find the oldest air conditioner in West Texas. You could win a brand-new air conditioner. The contest lasts until April 30, 2017. Get all the details here.
Even if you don’t win, this would be a good time to have our professional technicians at Armstrong make sure you’re not headed for a disastrous breakdown. They will make sure your current A/C is ready for what’s ahead. It’s not fun when your cooling stops working during the summer’s first heat wave.
As important as reliability is, it’s not the only reason to think about an AC replacement. Just like smartphones and TV’s, air conditioners are getting more technologically advanced every year. Holding on to your dinosaur AC makes about as much sense as still using a flip phone and dial up internet service.
Do you know if your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, an efficient new unit could save you 30% or more on your monthly utility bill? A new air conditioning unit can also make the home more comfortable.
You can depend on the Armstrong experts to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about air conditioner replacement. They will explain the costs of a new system as well as the money you are likely to save in monthly bills and expected AC repairs on your old unit.
There’s no guarantee you will win the FREE air conditioner. But there is one guarantee you can count on: The Armstrong professionals will provide the service, repair, and maintenance to help get rid of all the dinosaurs in your HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems.